Our spine is usually like a strong pillar, standing tall and straight. But sometimes, it takes on a graceful "S" shape, which we call scoliosis. Scoliosis isn't an illness; it's a condition that can affect people of all ages and genders. However, it's more common in girls between the ages of 10 and 15.

Scoliosis comes in three levels:

  • Mild: A slight bend.
  • Moderate: A more noticeable bend.
  • Severe: A significant bend.

Signs of Scoliosis:

There are visible signs, such as uneven shoulders, a gently curved back, and other unique physical features, like one shoulder being higher or a small bump on the back.

Causes of Scoliosis:

We don't always understand why it happens, but sometimes it's due to various factors, including infections, genetic factors, not getting enough calcium, poor posture, or carrying heavy bags on one shoulder.

Treating Scoliosis:

  • Treatment and Physiotherapy: If your spine's curve is less than 30 degrees, you can participate in a treatment and physiotherapy program. This might include special techniques to relax tight muscles and exercises to make your muscles stronger and more flexible.
  • Wearing a Brace: If your back is bending more, you might wear a special brace to prevent further bending.
  • Surgery: If the curve is significant, surgery may be needed to correct it.

In summary, scoliosis is when your back takes on a unique shape, but it's not an illness. There are ways to help, depending on how much your back is bending.